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Explore the solar system

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Distances and sizes are very hard to comprehend even within the solar system...

but looking at the picture below you'll get a sense of how small we are.

Can you see the Earth?

Now same thing on video + a few other stars

order the planets from the smallest to the largest here

Now learn size related adjectives and react to the video.

Now let's see if you know the vocabulary.

The solar system is so vast that it's impossible to represent it to scale on a single image. The video above just gave you a sense of the relative sizes of objects in the solar system.

So the only way to see a scale model - with correct size and distance ratios of the solar system is to ... build one. But you'll need a lot of space.  7 miles (11 km) of empty desert are required for an Earth just the size of this marble.

Watch this video...

Now, just to make sure you understand, click here...

Work on the difficult words ...

... then build your own summary...

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